Cambridge Business & Economics Conference (CBEC)

Next Conference November 19 & 20, 2022 Submission Deadline: September 5, 2022 E-mail Submissions to: Editorijbe@Yahoo.Com



Association for Business & Economics Research (ABER)
Global Conference on Business & Economics(GCBE)
Oxford Journal: An International Journal of Business & Economics (OJBE)
CBEC Registration Form
CBEC Credit Card Payment Form
Where to Stay in Cambridge?
CBEC Proceeding Guidelines
Key Information About the Conference
2011 CBEC Proceedings
2012 CBEC Proceedings
2013 CBEC Proceedings
2014 CBEC Proceedings
2015 CBEC Proceedings
2016 CBEC Proceedings
2018 CBEC Proceedings
2011 CBEC Conference Program
2012 CBEC Conference Program
2013 CBEC Conference Program
2014 CBEC Conference Program
2015 CBEC Conference Program
2016 CBEC Conference Program
2018 CBEC Conference Program
2019 CBEC Conference Program
2022 CBEC Call for Papers

Cambridge Business & Economics Conference (CBEC) is sponsored by Oxford Journal: An International Journal of Business & Economics (ISSN 1551-4498) and Association for Business & Economics Research (ABER). All manuscript submitted for the conference go through a double-blind referee process, the conference also publishes in its proceedings. Selected completed papers are considered for publication in the Oxford Journal: An International Journal of Business & Economics (ISSN 1551-4498). CBEC invites manuscripts in the area of : Management Information Systems; Business Law; Public Responsibility and Ethics; Global Business; Marketing Theory and Applications; Accounting; Economics; Finance & Investment; General Management; General Business Research; Business & Economics Education; Production/Operations Management; Organizational Behavior & Theory; Strategic Management Policy; Labor Relations & Human Resource Management; Technology & Innovation; Public Administration and Small Business Entrepreneurship. Papers are also invited papers on teaching issues such as: curriculum, ethics in higher education, promotion and tenure, accreditation, teaching methods and styles, administration, technology in the classroom, faculty evaluation, and related topics. Submission Deadline: September 5th, 2020


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